I'm working on my own torrent site where users can upload and share torrent files. I'm still working on the layout and submit file but it's coming along pretty good. I'm also adding a service where my other server runs uTorrent and will download user's torrents for them, emailing them with a direct download link when it's complete. It also (optionally) uses "blat" to email SMS text messages to notify users of progress.
My site is also pretty safe, seeing as how most torrent sites either track user data themselves or the hosts are forced to track user data (due to lawsuits or fear of lawsuits). My site is 100% hosted by me, so the only user data gathered is for logging in and a hit counter.
This site uses a new registering system where the user has to agree to accepting all promotional emails. I strongly suggest you use an alternate email account for registration.
See my site so far (FireFox or IE 7 only)
And no, those torrents aren't real, that's only a test